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"Explore real-time insights with ease on the FreeFall Dashboard, your hub for proactive caregiving. Empowering peace of mind and fostering seamless connectivity for a more secure and compassionate caregiving experience."

Overview of Total Sleep

"Track the frequency of nighttime awakenings effortlessly with our 'Nightly Wakes' dashboard, providing valuable insights for improved sleep quality."

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Overview of Sleep

"Gain a snapshot of your sleep patterns with our comprehensive 'Sleep Overview' dashboard, offering insights for a restful and rejuvenating night."

Number of Wake Ups in a night

"Track the frequency of nighttime awakenings effortlessly with our 'Nightly Wakes' dashboard, providing valuable insights for improved sleep quality."

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Number of Falls

"Monitor safety seamlessly – track and analyze the 'Falls Count' dashboard for a secure caregiving experience."

Spent most time at...

"Discover daily patterns effortlessly with our 'Prime Time Spent' dashboard, highlighting where the majority of your time is invested for a more informed perspective."

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Hours Spent outside Home

"Explore life beyond home with our 'Out-of-Home Hours' dashboard, offering a glimpse into your daily adventures and activities."

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